
Donate us

Open Your Heart To Those In Need.

Have A Helping Hand with TYDT.

Your donation provides essential food to hungry families. Together, we can build a community free from hunger. Donate today!

TYDT at glance

Have A Helping Hand with TYDT.

Your donation provides essential food to hungry families. Together, we can build a community free from hunger. Donate today!

Total Campaigns
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Peoples Benefits
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Satisfied Donors
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Happy Volunteers
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What is the advantage of becoming a monthly donor?

When you donate to TYDT on a monthly basis, not only do you help us create a larger impact on the lives of children but also to plan our work at the grassroots level in a more efficient way.

Are donations to TYDT tax exempt?

Yes – all donations to TYDT are 50% exempt from tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Tax exemption is valid only in India.

What are the other ways I can donate?

If you’d like to donate offline, you can do so through any of the following ways: Cheques/Demand Drafts: You can send these to us either directly or contact us for a pick up. Telephone: Call us on 9884350058